I suspect that the update clock may be running a bit early.
There’s that heel realization.
And now for some fridge horror. Imagine that the Lady does fall, and her demise doesn’t end in a base shattering kaboom. Kindri and the other drones will likely simply wait, for a literal eternity, ready to carry out orders which will never come.
Perhaps, Dr. Ghoti will be able to do something for some of them.
I suspect that the update clock may be running a bit early.
There’s that heel realization.
And now for some fridge horror. Imagine that the Lady does fall, and her demise doesn’t end in a base shattering kaboom. Kindri and the other drones will likely simply wait, for a literal eternity, ready to carry out orders which will never come.
Perhaps, Dr. Ghoti will be able to do something for some of them.