Before: Miss Lily


Before: Miss Lily — 5 Comments

  1. Ah, the right way to handle the creation of sapient beings with a purpose in mind:

    Sure, you do what you can to make sure they want to do what you want them to do but for the ones who don’t you have to let them go off and do something more fit to their desires.

    However, most of the time you will get the classic bit of the emancipated droid that goes right back to work for its former owner: “I’m an astromech droid, I was built to fix starships, I’m good at fixing starships, I _LIKE_ fixing starships. Why shouldn’t I get a job fixing starships?”

  2. What separates a class 3 biological weapon from a class 4? In a setting with robots, why create biological weapons? Would Miss Lilly pass her designation on to any offspring (it might explain why an all female initial batch was created?)

    • Biological weapons can pass through security and defense systems designed to take on robotic ones, for one thing. (An E.M.P. weapon that shuts down robots will just give biological systems a bad headache.) Biological systems can ‘live off the land’ when dropped somewhere, and tend to be better at ‘graceful degradation’, in that they don’t fall apart as abruptly under certain forms of stress.

      Really, if you want to take over a planet that people are already living on and still have the planet be livable afterwards, nukes and giant death robots aren’t the way to go.

    • Class three are purely augmented creatures. The next class involves cybernetics.
      As for why? Well, you never know when you might need a fighting force. It’s a big galaxy, and there could be horrible things out there. Remember, there was a timeline where Earth fell to Mars.
      And yes, Lily would pass on her genetic alterations, however they are sterilized early on.

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