Thanks to my tech support team (aka my wife) finally figuring out how the CSS works to generate a cast list, we now have a functional Cast page, complete with character thumbnails and short bios. Â Go check it out and make “Ooh!” and “Ahh!” sounds of amazement.
Tussel sees the tentacles and thinks: “I think I read a fic that went like this once…”
Nice to hear that Linna made it without incident.
I aimed for a comic comment and missed, apparently.
Holy Blast-From-The-Past, Batman! Dr. Ghoti, here?
Oops. Replied to the wrong thing.
Well, I guess he had to be hiding from Doctor Nesbit somewhere.
It might be far enough to keep himself safe!
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING escapes Dr. Nesbit for long…Why, I remember once, trying to hide that box of donuts…I swear she tracked me across half the globe for those…and they weren’t even that good! O_O! In the end, she got the donuts, and I survived. Barely. That woman LOVES her donuts. She’s probably just off screen, lurking, ready to strike our resident fishy scientist…
In regards to the latest comic and Corvus…”And the world…will be a better place…for you…and me…head to the past…and see?!”
Ooookay this kinda creeped me out, big time. >.> But…I was kinda expecting it. That head wound just looked too ouchie.
Don’t think about the exit wound!
It’s remarkably petit, judging from the bandage.
Yes, but if one is creeper out by the entry wound they’re not going to like the hole in 4he back… and all the poor brain tissue between.
Nah looks like he had some repairs done, so unless theres like, half his skull missing, no real issues. >.> And it was the skeleton panel that creeped me out for some reason. Not the realization of the penetration of his thinking’ stuff.